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Tag: mental health

older black man working out

Changing the Narrative Around Black Aging with Dr. Jarrod Carroll

Collectively, African-American men have the worst quality of life and shortest life spans of all racial and ethnic groups in the U.S. But that doesn’t mean we don’t have the
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<strong>Doctor: ‘Healthy Aging’ Starts With These Tips</strong>

Rapidly declining health, little to no retirement savings, and premature death. That’s what the picture of Black aging in the U.S. looks like.  While Blacks experience inequities in nearly every
kanye west bipolar disorder featured image

<strong>It’s Bigger than Kanye: 5 Bipolar Disorder Facts You Should Know</strong>

Like reports of gun violence and the weather forecast, Kanye West is always in the news.  If it’s not for the release of his Netflix documentary, “jeen-yuhs: A Kanye Trilogy,”

Black Male Mental Health Matters with Joel K. Johnson

Black men are in the crosshairs of two separate disorders that tend to converge: mental illness and substance abuse.  With the added complications of racism and the Covid-19 pandemic, rates
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The 6 Benefits of Religion and Spirituality

The Covid-19 pandemic has altered our lives, causing infection, loss, social isolation, financial strain, and/or mental health issues for many. So, it’s no surprise that people are turning to religion
photo of depressed black man

The Real Deal About Seasonal Affective Disorder

‘Tis the season of frigid air and overcast skies, where daylight and sunshine are in shorter supply.  For millions in the U.S., year after year, the coming Winter causes a

Athletes, Mental Health and a Missed Opportunity

I almost regret writing this. I am attacking a black man who recently unleashed his own ill-advised barrage against another black man who is doing the right thing. The cliché goes that two wrongs don’t make a right. Yet, it feels right to call out this national sports figure over an issue that impacts us all, particularly black men.
man is depressed with his head down

Racism Can Cause These 5 Mental Health Issues

Racism has seeped into virtually every area, segment, and field of society. Whether an overt hate crime or subtle workplace “microaggression,” a single act of racial discrimination can enact a devastating toll upon its victim. Simply witnessing or experiencing an act of racism second hand can impact mental health.
Black Men's Health - Perseverance Part 2

Perseverance, Part 2 with Film Producer Will Packer

Host Jon D. Brown speaks with Will Packer, continuing the conversation from July about perseverance and financial health. This interview is the August 25th edition of the Black Men’s Health Summer Lunch Series.
Black Men's Health - MBA - Male, Black, Accountability

M.B.A. (Male – Black – Accountability)

Host Jon D. Brown speaks with Dr. Vashaun O. Williams to discuss M.B.A. (Male – Black – Accountability). This interview is the August 11th edition of the Black Men’s Health Summer Lunch Series.
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