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Why We Choose to Get the COVID Vaccine

We pulled together members of our community to tell us why they choose to get the COVID vaccine. Watch messages from Antoine Wright, Darrick D. McGhee, Sr., Jon D. Brown, Gerald Tookes, Myke the Barber Bradham, Malcolm Cole, Terry Steaple, and Kacy Dennis.

Antoine Wright, Executive Director, Habitat for Humanity

Darrick D. McGhee, Sr., Pastor, Bible Based Church Tallahassee

Jon D. Brown, Chief Advocate, Black Men’s Health
Darrick D. McGhee, Sr., Pastor, Bible Based Church Tallahassee

Gerald Tookes, Founder, Gerald Tookes Aerial Productions
Myke the Barber Bradham, Art Works Barbershop
Antoine Wright, Executive Director, Habitat for Humanity

Malcolm Cole, Student, Leon High School
Terry Steaple, Community Member
Kacy Dennis, Director of Development, Boys Club of the Big Bend

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